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Nightcap (Decaf)

Nightcap (Decaf)

from $17.95

We taste: clementine, cashew, caramel

Co-Op: COOPAFSI (Cooperative Agraria “Frontera San Ignacio”)
Country: Peru
Processing: Method: Washed, Mountain Water Process
Elevation: 1,500 msl
Varieties: Catimor, Caturra, Mundo Novo, Typica
Certifications: Fair Trade Organic

Our current decaf offering comes from the COOPAFSI cooperative in Peru. The co-op was officially established in June 1969, with gender equality being an important factor when the land was purchased and divided among producers. This particular cooperative is unique because they empower and promote “women grown” coffee. These women contribute to the physical and sensory quality of the coffee. They are always managing new projects and developing new ways to improve the lives of their families. They focus their efforts on improving quality and delivering consistent coffee to different markets. In 2016, a committee of women was created by the cooperative and they are responsible for distributing loans which will enable producers to improve their own land while also taking part in new developments for their kitchens, crafts and livestock. They also created a computer lab which allows all members to stay up to date with modern technology.

After regular processing, the coffee is decaffeinated using the Mountain Water Process. This is a water-based process that does not involve the use of chemical solvents, but utilizes water to extract caffeine and other soluble compounds from green coffee beans. First, the beans are soaked in hot water, which allows for the extraction of caffeine and other soluble compounds. Then, the water is passed through a filter to remove caffeine, leaving a solution containing the other soluble compounds. The decaffeinated beans are then placed in the solution, where they reabsorb the soluble compounds but not the caffeine. We’ve also found that this process has a gentler impact on the coffee’s flavor. #DrinkGoodDecaf!

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